Online vs. Conventional dating
By: Kyle Langley
For as long as modern society can remember there has
usually been one method to date someone, until the evolution of technology
changed that. Online dating has taken the world by storm, and many
companies have capitalized on that fact. These businesses, EHarmony,, and many more, are transforming the way how we date. With all
of this hype and promise for an easy dating life, people are asking a simple
question, does it work? The best way to inspect and determine if online
dating lives up to the hype, is to compare it to the regular in-person dating
in three categories: access, interaction, and success.
The first part of evaluating different dating methods is to
compare their accessibility with one another and see which methods has the
easiest process to date someone. Online dating boast an enormous ease of
access. This ease of access refers to two subjects: creating an account
and logging into that account to use. You can create an online dating
profile, in the comfort of your home while you are in your Pjs, in usually
10-50 minutes. After you create an account, it is easy to log into it and
start the process of looking for possible “matches” or “dates”. To begin
the process of dating someone in-person, is another story. Some people
might be able to find someone in a casual situation, while most people will put
a lot of effort and time into searching for someone. To began to date
someone in-person, you must make yourself look presentable and go outside your
house or even your comfort zone. Then to continue dating a person or look
at other possibilities, you must again repeat the process. Online dating
presents a fast and easy solution to a usually laborious and maybe awkward
situation. It appears that online dating has a clear advantage over
conventional dating when comparing the ease of access.
Interaction is the actual date itself and drives the desire
for future dates. Drawing back on the previously mentioned possible way
of meeting someone the conventional way, conventional dating gives the person
one or two main talking points in common. While there may be an air of
unfamiliarity, this gives the opportunity for each person to personally get to
know the other. Online dating already gives the person a lot of
information before hand, to better prepare them. The person may be more
prepared going into the date, but may not be surprised when they talk about a
subject they already knew about. In the interaction aspect, it is up to
the person whether they want to be more prepared beforehand, or find out about
the person along the way.
Success is the last measure at which these two methods are
being compared on. With online dating, getting the second date is harder
than getting a first date. Online dating provides you with lots of
different matches that may seem perfect, but a first date will quickly reveal
any inconsistency in a person’s profile. Conventional dating is opposite.
Asking a person out in person usually is a much more stressful and
laborious process as you might have to continue meeting with these people if
the date does not work out. But, if someone does ask another person out
in person and they do get the date, they are more likely to continue dating.
The reason for this might be because the people know each other in person
Online dating as without a doubt change the way we consider
dating someone. When looking at the accessibility, online dating has an
advantage over conventional dating. Yet, the interactions and successiveness of the dates usually go better
when people meet the traditional way. In the end, it ultimately is up to
the person if they want to choose online dating or conventional dating.
The best advice is to try both.
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